Monday, November 14, 2011

Easy-Peasy Apple Pie

When I think of Thanksgiving dinner I think of oven roasted turkey, creamy mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, savory hot stuffing, cranberry sauce, moist hot rolls, crisp green salad, strawberry Jello with whipped cream, sparkling cider to drink, and of course warm apple pie. . .my mouth is watering! But, the thought of getting it all together without breaking a sweat seems almost impossible! I don't know about you but holidays can be a little stressful, especially for the cook. That is why my apple pie is practically fail proof and is one of the easiest things on the menu. . .no rolling pins needed! I have learned that store bought pie crust still gives you the bragging rights; (just don’t tell them your crust came from a box) it's what's in the pie that counts . . .right?

Here's what you need:

10 apples (mixed variety: granny, honey crisp, yellow delicious etc.)

1/2 tsp all spice
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/4 cup sugar
1 Tbl flour
store bought pie crust (two crusts come in a box)

First get out a deep dish pie plate. Unroll one pie crust in the dish and set aside.

I am absolutely in love with my apple peeler. My kids like to take turns peeling the skin from the apple. We call the peel "monster hair" and try to see who can make the longest monster strand. While they peel I use my apple cutter to core and slice the apples. I then slice the apple slices in half one more time just to keep the apples from being too thick.

To keep the apples from turning color I put the cut apple slices in a bowl of cold water mixed with 1/2 tsp. lemon juice.

Once all of the apples are peeled and cut, drain the water from the bowl. Next add all spice, cinnamon, sugar and flour. You can add 1/2 tsp lemon juice again if you like, but I find that I don't need to repeat that step. Give it a good stir and pour the delicious apple mixture in your prepared pie dish. I dare you to not try a delicious sugar coated apple. . .you won't be able to help yourself!

Take the second pie dough and unroll it on top of the apples. Using your fingers, make a pretty crimp around the crust. Last but not least cut a few slits in the middle of the pie to let the steam release.

Place in a hot 375 degree oven and cook for 60 minutes. I check it at 40 minutes to see how my edges are looking. Sometimes I cover the edges with foil at the 40 minute mark, but usually I leave it alone. It takes about 50-60 minutes to cook.

Let the pie cool for at least an hour if you can.

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